Super Soft Long Sleeve T-Shirt, with a Detailed lino cut print on the reverse and two Swallows on the front. The image on the rear is a true celebration of the coming together of the sailor and tattoo world. I had to ask (Lesa and the interweb!) what the correlation between swallows and Sailors is, and it turns out theres a common ground in that they both return home regularly after long travel. Very similar I suspect as to when I goes to the pub....maybe.. Anyway, this amazing bit of artwork can be yours on this lovely soft long sleeved garment.
Swallows and Sailors Long Sleeve Tee-Shirt
Returns and Refunds are accepted, however the product must be returned to us (at the cusotmers expense) and we will analyse the return and on the assumption that the product is undamaged and within the 30 day return period issue a refund of the product plus up to 5.00 shipping fee.
All Clothing ships to anywhere in the UK for £5.00 per package (assuming a max of one hoodie and one t-shirt is in the package, and is shipped with Royal mail. Expect the items to be shipped and recieved within 3-5 days.